Kouken chiai – 交剣知愛
„Kouken chiai“ 剣を交えて『おしむ』を知る; „Knowing ‚ Oshimu‘ with the swords“. It is the word that teaches to understand each other and improve humanity through Kendo.
„愛“ (love) means that you should not let go and cherish it, and „Kouken chiai“ means that you want to rehearse or play a match with the person again, or you should do Keiko and play matches that make you feel such a feeling.
Das Vereinstenugui ist da und wir sind stolz und dankbar, dass uns Young Park und Ayako Yajima so sehr unterstützt haben. Wir werden das Tenugui nicht nur im eigenen keiko sondern auch als unser neues shomen ehren.
Experience friendship through the crossing of the swords with others.
Our new club tenugui ist arrived and we are proud and very thanksful that EuroKendo Young Park and Ayako Yajima helped us so much. We will use our tenugui as our new shomen and honor it.