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Jodan Seminar with Valter Pomero Sensei

Mai 24 @ 08:00 - Mai 26 @ 13:00

Seminar aim at everyone interested in the Jodan style and for people who want to learn how to fight again Jodan.
Kendo training in the ‚JODAN‘ style
will be led by sensei Valter Pomero 7th dan kendo kyoshi, 5th dan iaido
7-time Italian champion
Vice European champion
Long-time coach of the Italian National Team
Caroppo Elio 6th Dan
Calogero Raffaele 5th Dan
Cerfeda Luca 4th Dan
Pelle Alberto 3rd Dan
Pomero Sasha 3rd Dan
Place: gym ‚A‘ SWFiS PWr ul. Chełmońskiego 16 Wrocław
May 24 ul. Kolista 17 – 7:00 pm -8:30 pm
May 25: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm ; 4:00 pm-7:00pm
May 26: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
May 24 ul. Kolista
17 – 19:00-20:30 admission free
registration – soon


Mai 24 @ 08:00
Mai 26 @ 13:00
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